
MFA Industry Partner, Club Automation, Continues Medical Fitness Blog Series

Check out the new blog series from MFA Industry Partner, Club Automation! It’s a whole series dedicated to the medical fitness industry.

Click on the blog titles to read the article.

Their first in this series is entitled, Growing Your Medical Fitness Center 

The second installment is entitled, Building Your Medical Fitness Center Brand Internally & Externally (Part 1)

The third installment is entitled, Building Your Medical Fitness Brand: Internal Branding (Part 2)

The fourth installment is entitled, Losing Medical Fitness Members? Three Strategies to Boost Retention

The final installment is entitled: Proving Your Value to Hospital Boards for Medical Fitness Facilities

Proving Your Value to Hospital Boards for Medical Fitness Facilities

In this final guide, we’ll unpack what might the most difficult task: convincing your leadership or hospital board to invest in your growth strategy.

So you’re up to bat, presenting to your board. What do you need to win them over? Building an informative, thorough, and actionable business case is the best way to help get them on your side. But constructing that kind of presentation can be daunting. If you need a place to start, try using Club Automation’s straightforward yet effective road map. Known as a SAR (Situation, Assessment, and Recommendation), this business case template is the first step to successfully present your case to your leadership.

FYI – There is a link at the end of the blog to download the SAR business case template.

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