When you achieve Medical Fitness Association Facility Certification, you are a better facility.
Kevin McHugh, COO, The Atlantic Club

Facility Certification

Achieve the Medical Fitness Facility Certification

With a focus on medically sound prevention and rehabilitation programs, medical fitness centers play an essential role in the health and wellness of those individuals that they serve. The Medical Fitness Facility Certification process is an important step toward ensuring that your facility provides the quality and safety of the programs and services that are necessary to meet this critical responsibility. Certified medically integrated fitness centers feature the professional expertise and programming necessary to safely and effectively assist people, regardless of their current health statue, to develop, initiate, and maintain an active lifestyle that minimizes the risk of illness and disease and promotes health and wellness.

Based on the Medical Fitness Standards and Guidelines for Medical Fitness Center Facilities Publication, the certification process involves an in-depth review of a facility’s adherence to the prescribed standards and guidelines. A number of key factors distinguish certified medical fitness centers, including:

  • Active and regular medical oversight
  • Certified and licensed staff
  • Written policies and procedures concerning user safety and the ability to respond appropriately to all emergencies
  • Disease management and prevention programs
  • Health-risk reduction and therapeutic-lifestyle programs
  • Individualized health screening
  • Testing and outcome tracking
  • Quality management, with a focus on measurable results
  • A focus on improving community health

Looking for a way to set your facility apart?

The Association’s Medical Fitness Facility Certification gives you the mark of excellence to let your community know you meet the highest standards. More and more people are looking for safe and effective health and fitness programs at facilities they know they can trust.

Get Certified and you’ll be the one they turn to, and the one physicians can trust for patient referrals.

Are there any MFA Certified Medical Fitness Centers in your area?

We currently have certified facilities in the following locations:

  • Manitoba & Winnipeg, Canada
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Michigan
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia

Your facility is required to be a current member of the Medical Fitness Association when applying for certification.

We highly recommend each facility to order a copy of our 3rd Edition of the Standard’s and Guidelines for Facility Certification released in November 2022. The certification is based upon this publication and the book features a set of nationally derived parameters that are applicable to the design and operation of a medical fitness center.

Publication includes:

• Sample job descriptions
• Facility Certification Checklist (please click to download a copy)
• Policies and procedures
• Industry resources

Note: If you complete this online application form, please download these instructions for additional documentation needed for the application process.
CLICK HERE to download.

    Certified Medical Fitness Facility Application

    Applying For: *

    Contact Name for Certification Process *

    Title *

    Facility Director Name (if different)

    Facility Director Email (if different)

    If part of a hospital or health system, provide name, mailing address and email address of CEO

    Name of Facility and as you would like it printed on your certificate *

    Facility Size *

    Total Number of Members *

    Street Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip Code *

    Email *

    Facility Website

    Ownership of Facility

    If other model was selected or other non-profit, please specify below.

    Please upload your Self-Scoring Facility Checklist.

    Please upload Form G to explain any items you scored as Not Applicable on the checklist.

    Please note: Applications may only be submitted for one site/one location/one address. If you have multiple locations, each facility must submit a separate application and pay the appropriate fees. Only one certification will be awarded per location.

    May Medical Fitness Association use any or all of your application materials as best practice examples?