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Meet Amanda Meschi, FMFA

Amanda Meschi, FMFA is a fitness guru. She is also very involved in the life of MFA serving as a past chair of the Certification Committee, a current Lead Facility Examiner and frequent speaker at MFA conferences. She is also very active in the outdoors. To learn more about Amanda and her many interests, click on the link, or her picture.

Read more about Amanda here.

Meet Sandy Duncan

Sandy Duncan may be quiet, but she can be a dynamo! She gets involved in meanigful causes that make adiffernece. That is why she is co-chairing this year’s MFA annual conference. Make your plans to attend in New Orleans and make it a point to thank Sandy for her role in making the event a special one! To learn more about Sandy and her interests, click on the link, or her picture.

Read more about Sandy here.

Meet Wes King

Wes King is an outgoing, high energy, guy who is a walking encyclopedia for anything aquatics. He has even written the book on aquatics management and will be published early next year. Wes honed his skills in Chicago and has now taken his expertise to a new level having just started a new job with Mercy Wellness Center in Oklahoma where he is the center’s director and corporate aquatics and wellness manager for MFA’s Best Practice Partner, Exos. To learn more about Wes and his love of the water and his family (just ask him), click on the link, or his picture.

Read more about Wes here.

Meet Jennifer Rehm

Jennifer Rehm is a dynamic and wonderful friend and leader. Serving in the Director’s role at the Duke Center for Living on their Fearrington Village Campus, Jill is a strong supporter of active aging and the MFA. To learn more about Jill and her passions, click on the link, or her picture. Better yet, see her at the annual conference in November and tell her you met her here, on-line, at the Member Spotlight!

Read more about Jennifer here.

Meet Timothy Petsch

Timothy Petsch is a true friend of MFA bringing his aquatics expertise in supporting the mission and development of the association. He is not just a Best Practice Partner. He has taken his partnership role seriously becoming a state captain for two states in the Pacific North West. To learn more about Timothy’s interesting life journey, click on the link, or his picture. Better yet, find him at the next conference and ask him about his story!

Read more about Timothy here.

Meet Yvette Dixon

Yvette Dixon, FMFA, CFFD has been a very active member of MFA jumping right in to committee work. She is currently the 2018 Annual Conference Committee Chair. Always willing to help when needed, Yvette is outgoing and sets an example for others to follow. She is also State Captain for Indiana, a Fellow in the MFA and one of the first people to earn the MFA Fitness Facility Director Certification.

Read more about Yvette here.

Meet Hannah Schultz

Hannah Schultz serves in a number of capacities. Some of you know her as the CEO of Health Nutrition Techologies, HNT, where she helps member facilities implement healthy eating and obesity programs. Others of you know her as MFA’s West Region chair where she wrangles with the largest geographical region with the smallest population. She is enthusiastic and works hard to make MFA better for you. Read on and learn more about Hannah!

Read more about Hannah here.

Meet Amy Upp

Amy Upp is an up and comer! She has brought energy, enthusiasm, creativity and professionalism to all the various roles she fills in MFA. She is currently the Chair of the Central Region where she and her talented team just pulled off a great Central Region Conference.

Read more about Amy here.